Introduction of sugar beet cultivars suitable for infected fields with root rot agents in the east of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sugar Beet Seed Institute, AREEO,, Iran

2 2- Sugar Beet Research Department KhorasanRazavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran

3 Nature Biotechnology company (Biorun)

4 Sugar beet Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (ARREO). Mashhad, Iran.

5 5- Shahrood Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shahrood, Iran

6 Sugar Beet Seed Institute, (SBSI), AREEO, Karaj, Iran



Introduction: Rhizomania and root rots are most prevalent diseases of sugar beet in east of Iran. Management of soil borne diseases such as root rots and also beet cyst nematode is very complicated and problematic. Because of late appearance of their symptoms, the best and reliable method for management of these diseases, in practice, is applying resistant varieties against the diseases. In the east of Iran, there are 8 active sugar factories. Because of much diversity of sugar beet varieties and microclimatic condition in vicinity of sugar factories,, evaluation the sugar beet varieties for preparing the recommended list for any specific region is needed. The list will help growers for increasing the maximum productivity.
Materials and Methods: In order to choose the suitable variety for these conditions, 21 varieties with resistance/tolerance to these diseases that are available in the national list of varieties of Iran were selected. Each variety was planted in four locations including Mashhad, Neishabur, Jovian and Shahroud. The plot consisted of six lines with a length of 60 meters. To estimate the yield, three samples (ten square meters) were harvested from each variety in each location. The number of dead plants during the growing season was measured. At the time of harvest, the number of plants per hectare, root yield, sugar content, disease severity of rhizomania and root rot and sugar yield were measured and were used as the basis for the comparison of varieties
Results & Discussion: All the traits had significant differences among cultivars. The grouping of varieties ranked them in two groups and the varieties BTS 335, Modex, Agreete, Pantera, Boomerang, Bornita, Loriot, Anaconda, Loriquet, Cadet, Poseidon, Zanubia and Rosamina were categorized as better for the regions.The other cultivars including: Effesos, Pirola, Table, Karta, Iris, Loriquet, Tourelle, Ekbatan and Sina were catagorized in the second group..
Conclusion: For choosing the suitable variety of sugar beet in each region, sugar yield should be considered as the most important trait. Considering the diversity of Iran's climate and water conditions, it seems necessary to prepare a recommended list for the west and east of Iran in order to increase productivity. So, such this experiments should be implemented annually at least, in two location in east and west of Iran.
Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful for the cooperation of sugar factories in the implementation of this research and also foreign seed companies for providing the seed of cultivars..
