Effect of antiperspirant and nitrogen biofertilizers on wheat cultivars in rainfed conditions of Lorestan province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Agricultural Sciences and Food Industries, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Department of Agricultural Sciences and Food Industries, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Khorramabad, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, Yadegar Imam, Shahr Rey, Iran



Most cultivated cereals are deficient in micronutrients. Deficiency of these elements in soil not only reduces plant yield but also by reducing the concentration of these elements in foods such as wheat grains reduces their absorption by humans and livestock, which causes various diseases and thus low The level of public health (Cakmak et al, 2012; Shi et al., 2010) is such that the low concentration of minerals such as sulfur, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper in the country's food from The effect on the health and supply of micronutrients required by the body is problematic.
Material and Methods
In order to investigate the morphological and biochemical response of rain fed wheat cultivars to anti-transpirant and nitrogen biofertilizers, an experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with split-factorial plot arrangement with four replications in the cold temperate zone (Kamalvand Khorramabad) in cropping years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. Factor of rain fed wheat cultivar (Azar2, Ohadi and Baran) was in the main plot and anti-transpirant (no application and application of atrazine) and nitrogen biofertilizer (no application, application of Azospirillium, application of Azotobacter) as factorial were in sub-plots. Before culture, Azospirillum and Azotobacter fertilizers were applied as seeds in the relevant treatments. For this purpose, first the seeds were soaked, and for more adhesion, some sugar was mixed with the seeds, and then Azospirillum and Azotobacter were used in the amount of one liter per 100 kg of seeds. Atrazine antiperspirant with a concentration of 400 ppm was used in two stages, one in the stage of stalking in late March and the other in the time before pollination using a 20 liter sprayer and in a guided manner. Peduncle length, number of grain per m2, harvest index, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids in the shoot and macro and micro nutrients, carbohydrates and protein in the grain were measured.
Results and Discussion
In the first year, Ohadi cultivar with atrazine and Aztobacter application had the highest grain yield (2420 kg ha-1) and Azar 2 cultivar without antiperspirant and with Aztobacter application had the lowest grain yield (2000 kg ha-1) and in the second year Baran cultivar with atrazine and Without biofertilizer application, the highest grain yield (2765 kg ha-1) and Azar 2 cultivar without atrazine and with Azospirillium application had the lowest grain yield with an average of (2083 kg ha-1).
Baran cultivar with atrazine had the highest total chlorophyll content with an average of 7.8 mg g-1 fresh weight and Azar2 cultivar without antiperspirant application had the lowest total chlorophyll content with an average of 5.5 mg g-1 fresh weight (Table 5). Also, the use of atrazine and azotobacter had the highest amount of total chlorophyll and carotenoids (Table 5). The lowest amount of grain nitrogen was obtained from non-application of biofertilizer with an average of 1.77% and the highest amount was obtained from the use of Azotobacter with an average of 2.38%. Ohadi cultivar with atrazine and Azotobacter had the highest grain phosphorus content with an average of 0.50% and Baran cultivar without antiperspirant and biofertilizer had the lowest grain phosphorus content with an average of 0.22% (Table 9). Ohadi and Baran cultivars using atrazine shared the highest amount of potassium with an average of 0.52% and Azar 2 cultivar without antiperspirant had the lowest amount of potassium with an average of 0.45% (Table 10). The highest amount of grain copper with an average of 7.7 mg kg-1 was obtained with the use of atrazine and Azotobacter. Ohadi cultivar with Azotobacter had the highest amount of iron grain with an average of 63 mg kg-1 and Azar2 cultivar had the lowest amount of iron grain with an average of 58 mg kg-1.
Application of nitrogen biofertilizers and antiperspirant atrazine improved morphological, photosynthetic traits and grain quality of wheat. The highest amount of total chlorophyll, copper and grain carbohydrates was obtained with the use of atrazine and Azotobacter, but the highest amount of carotenoids and grain protein was obtained with the use of atrazine and Azospirillium. Thus, in dryland conditions of Lorestan province, the use of nitrogen biofertilizers and antiperspirant atrazine is recommended.
