Effects of application of biofertilizer and potassium nanofertilizer on yield and some physiological traits of quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) under drought stress

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Agricultural Sciences and Food Industries, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Shahed University

3 Science Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

4 Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, Yadegar Imam, Shahr Rey, Iran



Quinoa, with the scientific name Chenopodium quinoa Willd, is an annual plant from the Chenopodiaceae family and has a similar appearance and affinity to lamb’s quarters (Sepahvand et al., 2009). Quinoa has the ability to adapt to different environments and climates. This plant has a high resistance to drought, poor soils and high salinity and can play an important role in eliminating hunger, malnutrition and poverty, for this reason the United Nations named 2013 as the year of quinoa (Fao, 2013).
Materials and Methods
In order to investigate the effect of drought stress, biofertilizer and potassium nanofertilizer on yield and physiological traits of quinoa, a split-factorial experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in 2018 and 2019 at Tehran province. The studied factors included drought stress (control, -0.3, -0.6 and -0.9 MPa) as the main factor and two biofertilizer factors (a combination of Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhiza fungi (non-application, 1%, 2% and 3%) and potassium nanofertilizer (non-application and application) as sub-factors. Variance analysis of the data obtained from the measurement of traits was done using SAS software (version 9.1) and the comparison of the means was done by the LSD method at a probability level of 5%.
Results & Discussion
The results showed that under normal irrigation conditions with the application of 3% biofertilizer, the greatest amount of biological yield and grain (8926 and 2809 kgha-1, respectively) was obtained, which was only different with no application of biofertilizer at this level of stress. The greatest amount of proline (0.526 mgg-1 fresh weight) and the least (0.256 mgg-1 fresh weight) were obtained under severe drought stress and lack of application of biofertilizer and normal irrigation condition and the application of 3% biofertilizer, respectively. The mean comparison of the triple interaction effect of drought stress in biofertilizer and potassium nanofertilizer showed that the highest amount of seed protein obtained in severe stress conditions, the use of two percent biofertilizer and the use of potassium nanofertilizer (19.9%) and the lowest one obtained in normal irrigation conditions non-use of biological fertilizer and non-use of potassium nanofertilizer (0.13%) were obtained.The highest amount of seed oil achieved in normal irrigation conditions, the application of 3% biofertilizer and potassium nanofertilizer application (31.7%) and the lowest one was obtained in severe stress conditions, non-use of biological fertilizer and non-use of potassium nano fertilizer (5.27%)
Relative water content had the highest value in normal irrigation conditions, application of 3% biofertilizer and application of potassium nanofertilizer. The highest amount of chlorophyll a and b in aerial parts was obtained under normal irrigation conditions, application of 3% biofertilizer and application of potassium nanofertilizer. The use of biofertilizers and nano-potassium fertilizer improved the amount of protein and seed oil. Therefore, the application of biofertilizer and potassium nanofertilizer improved the growth of quinoa under drought stress.
