Effect of organic compounds, Fe and Zn nano particles and their interaction effects on the yield and nutrient absorbtion of tomato

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Soil Science of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 Associate Professor of Soil Science - Department of Soil Science- Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Associate Professor of Soil Science, Department of Soil Science- Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

4 researcher of Soil and Water Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agriculturral and Natural Resources, Research and Education Centre, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization(AREEO), Mashhad


Extended Abstract
Effect of organic compounds, Fe and Zn nano particles and their interaction effects on the yield and nutrient absorbtion of tomato
Introduction: Nano particles are unit materials smaller than 100 nm(Hong et al.2015).The study and application of nanoparticles has rapidly grown in the last few years. Applications for nanoparticles are found in a wide verity of disciplines, including medicine biology, electronic and agriculture (Zolfi and Norowzi, 2005). Application of nanoparticles as a fertilizer is a new era of interest, while application of vermicompost and acid humic is now a source for plant nutrition. Vermicompost and acid humic improve soil physical and chemical properties (Samavat et al., 2007)
Materials and methods: Field experiment was conducted at Torough agriculture station ,Mashhad.Experiment was laid out In a randomized complete block esign in a factorial arrangement, with three replications. First factor was organic fertilizer at 3 levels(vermicompost,5 ton/ha; humic acid,5 kg/ha and control without application), second factor was application of zinc nanoparticles at 2 levels (nano zincoxid,1kg/ha; no application), third factor was application of fe nanoparticles at 2 levels (nano feoxid,1kg/ha; no application). Tomato seedlings were planted on 22 may in plots and fertilizers were applied according to soil test. yield of tomato fruit was determined at three harvest and tomato leaf and fruit samples were taken and analyzed for nutrient element concentration.
Results and discussion: The results of analysis variance showed that nitrogen concentration in leaf was significantly affected by vermic ompost application and nitrogen concentration in fruite was significantly affected by combined application of nano oxide of Fe and Zn and application of only nano Zn oxide.Effect of vermi compost along with Fe and Zn nano oxide on leaf Fe concentration, fruit Fe concentration ,Zn fruit concentration indreased significantly. . The application of Zn nano particle along with organic componeds increased fruit Zn concentration significantly. Interaction effects of organic componeds and Fe and Zn nano oxide was significant on fruite yield.Application of Zn nano oxide and organic componds increased yield 74% and from 61.620 ton per hectare in control reached to 107.193 ton per hectare in Zn nang gxide and humic acide treatment.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that, simultaneously the use of organic compounds with the use of zinc nanoparticles could provide suitable conditions for better absorption of nitrogen by the plant The results of this study showed that, Fe and Zn nano oxide are suitable sources for providing tomato plants with these two elements. Application of Zn nano oxide along with humic acid increased yield of tomato significantly.
